Saturday, June 14, 2014

A Week of Transitioning

I have arrived safely in California, thanks to all those who have been praying!  This month's 'visit' is the beginning of an indefinite stay in California.  I will be home for a month in July/August before I officially move.  However, I brought most of my stuff (that will be clarified later...) with me on this trip.

This week started off with a visit from my twin cousin, the wonderful Hannah Sauder.  It was sooo good to spend some time together, sorta celebrate our birthdays, laugh, cook, and reconnect.  On Saturday we made Kim a birthday dinner which included margherita pizza.  It was so fun to make that we decided to make pizza again on Sunday night.  This time, Hannah had the idea of tossing our dough like the pros, so we found a video online.  It's not super complicated, but nothing I would have come up with on my own!

Here's Hannah's demonstration-
We made another margherita, this time changing a few things around to perfect it a little.  Also, since I had some peanut sauce in the fridge leftover from a Thai dish we enjoy, I thought it would be fun to make a Thai pizza. 

It was a very enjoyable time and a great start to the week!

Monday and Tuesday I did some weeding, mulching, and preening around the house.  Also, VBS started Monday night.  The theme this year was Culture vs. Christ.  It was such an uplifting week and definitely challenged me in several areas!

Tuesday night I started packing.  I didn't spare much in the clothes department; in fact, I will be packing clothes for my return trip to Indiana since I didn't leave enough behind for my month at home.

Wednesday Mom and I ran some errands in Lafayette.  We got home just in time for Edie and I to dash up to Rensselaer for my last piano lesson.  It was so bittersweet.  'Lasts' can really be hard for me as I'm very nostalgic.  I've taken piano lessons for as long as I can remember and will miss them immensely.  However, Dr. Egan more than sufficiently supplied me with books and volumes to use someday if I teach.  Also, he instilled in me the desire to not only play my music but feel it.  I'm glad Edie will be continuing on in the fall and I was told I am welcome to join her when I visit home.

Thursday I had my possibly last day at Homestead.  I'm not sure yet if I will be working there later this summer or not so I didn't get too nostalgic when I took off that apron for 'maybe the last time'.  In the evening we had VBS, then left a little early for our recital.  Last year Edie was too afraid to play, so this year we were really hoping she would.  When it came to her turn, she did a beautiful job and had so much fun she told Mom, "I don't know why I didn't play last year."

Friday morning I got up early to ride Bandit before heading to the airport.  Mom took me to the airport and it was so good to have that time together.  Everything went smooth, that is, until I landed in LA.  Earlier I mentioned that I had most of my stuff with me.  It just happens to be that at the moment, I only have one of my checked bags.  Only one made it on my flight for some unkown reason.  Fortunately, the bag that did come was the bag with my church clothes and some (but only some) of the essentials.  Unfortunately, it was also the bag with most of my winter clothes and some other random things that I don't really need right now.  Some of the other essentials and my summer clothes were in the bag that never came.  So, Aunt Sue took me to Wal-Green's for a few things on my way to Grammy's.  We went out to dinner, then I unpacked, showered, and hit the hay.  I was exhausted!

This morning I got everything situated in my room.  Here it is:

I've visited Grammy's house so many times before, and it's nice to be in a familiar place.  Although the familiarity goes about as far as 50 steps out the front door, we already took a little excursion to Trader Joe's and Von's today and before long I'll know my way around here ;).
Right now I better go finish making dinner!  Have a blessed weekend.