My time in California was full of cousins, morning walks by the mountains, a few beach days, sewing, some cooking, exercises at the Y, and various outings. The last week, Leah flew out and spent the remaining week with me and we flew home together. If you're interested in what that week held, here's the link to Leah's post on her blog: A Week in Cali I hope to do a better job of blogging my adventures in California in the future :)
When we got home, Mom, Kim, and Edie picked us up along with two Romanian visitors that have been in the U.S. since July 4th.
Meet Nathaly (pronounced Natalie, age 16) and Corina (age 15):
These girls are currently in Illinois visiting the Hoerr cousins, but while they were here in Indiana we enjoyed having them around (and listening to them speak Romanian 100 mph). It didn't take long for these girls to be like sisters. They've been very helpful around the house and when they're around they laugh at all of Dad's jokes so we don't have too ;)
In mid July Danny took Sackett to the fair and we spent a lot of time at the horse end, watching, anticipating, and Mom was probably praying most of gaming day on Thursday. There are several injuries every year.
Pole bending
On Dash for Cash the rein pulled apart from the bit leaving Danny unable to steer very well. If you look close you can see the rope flying towards the barrel.
And here it's by his leg...
photo credit U. Dave Klotzle
photo credit U. Dave Klotzle
One of the team events..
photo credit U. Dave Klotzle
It was a fun day, but this year it was particularly special as some family was visiting from CA. After watching other people ride horses all day, we decided to go home and have our own 'fair'.
photo credit U. Dave Klotzle
photo credit U. Dave Klotzle
After fair was over, we had a little break before a week vacation with the Lehman family in the Smokey Mountains.
Our residence for the week: Buckskin Lodge.
Every day we drove past this shed. Isn't it worthy of a picture?
We saw a bear on our first hike! He was such a cute little guy.
Fun in the water at Laurel Falls
The great Smokies!
Aww, aren't they so sweet?
One day a group of us went rafting. And rafting was an adventure, but getting there was even a bigger adventure. We ended up on some curvy mountain road where we could only sporadically connect to GPS. When we saw this we turned around.
We made it eventually (almost an hour late) and the tour was great. But several of us agree that the ride there was better :)
Another day we went to Cherokee, a small town in North Carolina. There was an Indian Village we enjoyed in the afternoon and a drama in the evening.
These people (some of them having Cherokee blood) demonstrated a few of the Cherokees' dances. In this one they demonstrated some interesting bear-like clawing movements.
And I think this was the Angry-Ant Dance.
An eagle dance in the drama. The dancing was probably my favorite part of visiting Cherokee.
The beautiful Abram Falls.
And some happy cabin-ers.
One night Corina saw a coon sneaking under the bottom porch. Pretty soon somebody brought food out and the younger kids took turns feeding the coon. It became obvious that he was used to people. Shhh, don't tell the park rangers.
It was an action packed week with lots of good memories and full of God's handiwork.
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