Tuesday, January 27, 2015

I'm Going on an Adventure!

I like Hobbitses, but that's only relevant to the title of this post.  The adventure: Haiti.  We (Dad, Kim, David and I) leave early Friday morning and get back late a week from Friday.  It's going to be a big eye opener and I'm sure I'll take shorter showers, turn off the water while brushing my teeth, and complain less about the food before me or the rusty, peeling car I drive that has been nicknamed POJ (piece o' junk) though it runs like a nightmare dream ;).  Anyway, I wanted to blog once before we leave because after the trip I will try to put up pics of our experience.

This past weekend Jim and Mia didn't work so I got to go home from Thursday afternoon til early Monday morning.   It was such a refreshing time with fun things like running errands with Mom, iceskating with the sibs and cousins with a stop at Starbucks on the way home, getting stuff for Haiti with Kim, a short morning ride before church that mostly consisted of walking backwards from the barn to the pasture because my horse is a chicken ;), waiting a table with my momma at church lunch, and then having a Chopped episode in our kitchen Sunday evening.  We videoed it and hopefully I'll get around to posting that soon after Haiti.  It's something I've wanted to do for a while and Leah and I agreed that we'll be doing it again!  Definitely not as exciting as the real thing but still fun :)

As you've probably noticed my blog is under construction and it may be changing little by little over the next month...or year.  I'm considering making other tabs for things like recipes (cause if you haven't noticed yet, I'm a foodie) and random thoughts (cause writing stuff out helps me sort through life) and of course every day stuff (since my life is soooooo intruiging :P) but I may leave it pretty much as is.

Before I wrap up this post I have exciting news!!!!  A longer adventure than Haiti awaits because I have been offered a position as an equestrian counselor at Camp Tecumsah this summer!!! If you can't tell, this was great news to receive as I had wondered after my interview if I was maybe a little too honest to the point that I gave a distorted perception of who I am.  That said, it was the Spirit's doing that I was accepted and I'm looking forward to spending ten weeks with kids and horses in an environment that promotes JOY (Jesus, others, yourself).

A spider just repelled from the ceiling right onto the keyboard so I think it's time for me to get up and find a Kleenex!

1 comment:

  1. Spiders? in my house? falling from the ceiling? yuck.
