Saturday, February 28, 2015

Poor Sick Baby

Pink eye last week, croupy cough this week.  Everybody at the McCormick house is ready for Calvin to get better.  He's been such a trouper through his colds, coughs, sniffs, and fevers, but it's starting to wear down his parents who are getting a little sleep deprived.  It could be soooo much worse and we can be thankful that none of us have caught the bug.  Still, prayers for this little buddy to get well would certainly be appreciated!

Yesterday he was doing pretty well during the day as his wheezy breathing and fever didn't settle in until later, so Maria and I took a few more 6 month pictures.  I was using their camera which is a Canon not a Nikon like my own so focusing and adjusting settings was tricky. Just don't look too close!

And of a course a monthly photo with good ol' Hobbes! They're already partners in crime!

That's it for now!  Have a wonderful weekend!

1 comment:

  1. Poor Calvin! He must've been irked by the pinkeye. I wonder who he got it from? The infection is highly contagious, and I certainly hope that no one in the family got infected after Calvin. It's a troublesome infection to deal with after all. Anyway, I hope he's feeling better by now! Thanks for sharing and take care! :)

    Terry Roberson @ MedCare Pediatric
