Monday, November 3, 2014

The Weekend

Halloween has come and gone (thankfully as I'm not a fan of the lawn decorations people use to express their festivness for the season) and it's really beginning to feel like fall here. I'm loving the weather. The mornings are cool but by afternoon it's sunny and gorgeous, not hot.

A while back a group of us young folk were standing around talking about how it would be fun to have a fall day to celebrate autumn and do fallish activities. I latched onto the idea and Aunt Jody graciously agreed to open her home so we got to work planning a fall day. After our picnic with San Diego and enjoying so much the fellowship with people from the 'other AC church in California' we thought it would be nice to invite the SD young folk to our fall day and they doubled the number of our group. 

I love so much and appreciate the size of the Altadena congregation (no seriously, small churches are wonderful) but to have visitors is always wonderful as well.  Needless to say I had been looking forward to this for weeks. To help my excitement I made some chili and cookies to freeze before the big day. Then Saturday rolled around and Joseph and Kailey came to help get set up at Tom and Jody's. You're probably wondering who Kailey is as I don't think I've introduced her on my blog before. In short, Kailey is a blessing.  Without her I'd be the only young girl at Altadena  but since she's studying at Biola (a nearby Christian college) she catches a ride with Joey to church and I have a girl to be with at church!  She's originally from Phoenix and has relatives in Indiana (francesville) which is a cool connection. 

Anyway, she came to help out and we had a great time prepping food for Sunday. Aunt Jody made us some fizzy fruit drinks and delectable snacks to sip and munch on while we worked. And boy. Was it a day! We made food for Sunday and then made more food for supper (which was no chore as Kailey and I love cooking).

Steven, Jon and Kali and Eddie came over for dinner and it was a great evening together. The guys and Kailey decided to learn Dominion and since it's only a four player game Kali and I were glad to observe. They say it takes 30 minutes...hmmm. Maybe the fact that by the end of the second game it was nearly midnight gives away that it's not a short game. 

Got caught taking a picture.

It got a little intense sometimes ;)

Kailey came home with me and stayed the night and in the morning we went on a walk. To our advantage we gained an hour Saturday night so I was up before my alarm (ha. That won't last long). I wanted to show Kailey the waterfall and we decided to take breakfast with us.
When we got this picture taken a man called us 'tourists' and it bothered me. It shouldn't but it did because I feel like I've moved past tourist by now. Oh well, guess I still look like one. 

The waterfall was nice and loud because of the rain. Oh, did I mention it rained the other night? Like not just a light drizzle, it rained rained. We are certainly thankful for it but wouldn't complain if we got more!

Church was also nice and loud with the visitors. The sermons were inspiring and challenging and a theme that stuck out to me was serving others as Christ served us--selflessly. Hmm something I can always work on. 

Our fall day wasn't full of the fall activities we had originally imagined, but it was still nice. After church we went to a park for a while and enjoyed running around in the fresh air. Here's a view of the beautiful mountains from where we were.

After getting tired out we went to Tom and Jody's for appetizers and then dinner.  Kailey and Joey left during dinner which was too bad but the SD group hung around til about 8. We enjoyed fellowshipping, testing our memory in four on the couch, and finally ended the evening with singing around the piano. It was beautiful and a blessing to be able to lift our voices together in praise of the awesome God who gave us the gift of church family and fellowship and the wonderful memories. 

Group shot minus a few.

1 comment:

  1. Aww! I love Kailey, so fun that you get to hang out with her! Looks like you're having fun out there.
