Thursday, April 30, 2015

A Good Day

I had a really good day today.  Like really really good and I'm not sure why.

Well, okay, I have an idea.  This morning I got to FaceTime Calvin who I left almost two weeks ago.  It was hard to leave my lovable nephew and Jim and Maria who did so much for me while I was there.  Those were precious days I will never forget.  My love/hate relationship with technology is heavier on the 'love' side when I'm able to FaceTime with Calvin and see that irresistible little grin.

Mid morning Mom and I went riding and I finally got to get back on my horse that has been injured since the beginning of March.  He tore his knee on his left rear leg to the tendon which didn't get ripped (thankfully) but took some time to heal.  Being on my favorite horse in my favorite time of year with my favorite Mom definitely contributed to a good day.

I realized I was in an extraordinarily good mood when I walked out of the dentist office with a bag full of goodies after getting my teeth cleaned and said out loud 'I love the dentist!'

That has never happened.  Ever.

After having my teeth nice and squeaky clean I went to Mexican tienda, singing 'God Is So Good' on my way in the parking lot because that's one of my favorite songs right now.  Inside I found some amazing Mexican food products which made me very happy.  Yesterday I got back from a week in Mexico (blog post coming soon!) and after eating tacos and/or quesadillas every day I decided I really wanted to make some good authentic tacos for mi familia.  Pardon the Spanglish.  I'm still in a weird mood.

Then I went to another supermarket and found prepared Starbucks Caramel Macchiato on clearance for half price. Six servings for the price of one drink at Starbucks!  Score.  While at that same supermarket I was reminded by their banners and specials on avocados, limes, tomatoes, and garlic that Cinco de Mayo is approaching.  Although it really isn't a big Mexcian holiday, it is a good chance to pull out that recipe for chicken enchiladas, Spanish rice, or...stop by my blog soon for my take on 'tacos de Ixtlan' which will really be nothing like tacos de Ixtlan.  They won't be as much of a mockery as Taco Bell at least.

When I got home from the dentist, Mexican store, and supermarket that sold cheap Starbucks and reminded me of Cinco de Mayo, I got a call from the horse lady at Camp Tecumseh saying that starting Monday she could use help getting the horses and barn prepared for camp.  Happy day!  She emailed me some time back telling me she'd need help and to get in contact after I got back from Mexico so I knew I'd have something to do but wasn't sure how much she'd need me or when I'd start.  Now I know that I actually have a plan for the next several weeks.  Like somebody mentioned on another blog recently, God always provides even though He sometimes waits for the last minute.  There's just so much joy in serving a God that sees the whole picture.

I think part of my giddiness was just the fact that I'm home.  I've learned a lot on my various travels this past year and couldn't thank God more for how He has grown me.  He has shown me that 'anywhere with Jesus I can safely go'.  Yet He has also shown me that there is significance in being home.  While I may be too attached to this earthly home, someday I will have a heavenly home that will be right where I belong.  It will be my comfort zone, my safe haven.  Everything will be right and good and I will be...home.  Maybe today was a small glimpse of what that will be like.  Simply the feeling of 'this is what my heart has been longing for!'

Maybe I'm setting myself up for disappointment and maybe God has yet another journey in store for me (well, besides Camp T which is coming up rather quickly).  For just one day He gave me a delightful sense of being home and blending the new person with the old place.  Thank You Lord.  You are so good to me!

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