Wednesday, March 18, 2015

These Spring Days

Last year I wrote a whole post about how special spring is to me.  While the trees have yet to flower and the grass is still quite brown, the snow has *almost* melted and that is a good sign.  It overrules March 20th being the first day of spring in my book. 

This year has been unique because I spent half the winter in California where a day cool enough to wear a sweatshirt was a luxury and my not-so-warm ankle boots were the only boots I wore (because they were the only boots I had with me...but still).  I know I will sound crazy saying this but part of me missed the cold and when I moved to Michigan I took delight in watching the snow fall, including that gorgeous snow-globe show that we received the beginning of this month. 

All that said, when the Spring Thaw started a week ago, I remembered how much I love spring.  These spring days have begun with lots of walks.  There's no canyon with a waterfall as there was in California and no nearby country side as there is at home, but there are lots of nice sidewalks and a library, coffee shop, park, and many other places within walking distance which makes Lowell exciting in a way different than Altadena or Remington.  And a bonus is that Calvin enjoys riding in the stroller as much as I enjoy pushing him.

Today Maria and I walked to Bigby to help them celebrate their birthday (or more like to take advantage of a cheap coffee) and Calvin didn't make a peep the whole time.  I have the feeling walks will become a daily thing as long as the sun is out.  

Besides the joys that come with a change in the weather, other special things are Easter approaching and making precious memories with the McCormicks before my short time as a nanny is history.  It's hard to believe I'm here only four more weeks! Makes me cherish the present and thank God for these spring days. 

1 comment:

  1. How did I not know you had a blog?!? But now I know and I can keep up with you a little bit :) We miss you so much and it makes me happy to hear about your precious days with your sister and nephew. Come visit soon - you can stay with us any time!
